If you are faced with being in a foreclosure sale, you need to understand the best way to protect you and your family moving forward.
While a foreclosure is never a good thing, it isn’t the end of your financial world. Here is what sellers need to know about foreclosure effects in Fort Worth to properly plan for future real estate ownership.
What Sellers Need To Know About Foreclosure Effects In Fort Worth
Ability to Collect Sale Proceeds
When the bank forecloses on a property, most homeowners are often far removed from the process. The bank has taken over on the property because the owner hasn’t made payments. What many homeowners don’t always understand is that there is still an opportunity to get some cash out of the home
Banks are not in the business of making money on properties through buying and selling like a real estate investor. The bank seeks to regain its investment of the mortgage amount. If a foreclosed property provides surplus above any lien balances, the excess goes to the former owner in most states.
This is an important thing to remember to maintain the property as much as possible. Most foreclosures are purchased in complete disrepair because former owners take frustration and anger out on the property being seized. Keeping the property in pristine condition can yield higher sales and thus money back to the former owner as small consolation.
Credit Effects Over Time
Foreclosure hits your credit significantly. In addition to the late or non-payments of the mortgage, the seizing of the property can drop credit scores two hundred or more FICO points.
The foreclosure itself remains on credit scores for seven years, the same as a bankruptcy. Rebuilding credit can happen immediately with good payment history on credit card and auto loans. Most mortgage lenders will not consider a loan to someone with a foreclosure for at least three years from the date of the foreclosure settlement (selling date).
Depending on the circumstances behind the foreclosure, some lenders will consider another mortgage sooner, but not before two years of the settlement date. Considered hardships included a loss of job or severe family illness or death. These need to be well documented and the circumstances leading to the foreclosure must be rectified prior to getting approval for a new loan.
Potential to Getting Home Back
There is one way some homeowners are able to reclaim their home even after the foreclosure sale has occurred. This is called a redemption and is available for homes seized through a judicial foreclosure.
If the home is eligible for redemption, the former owner has one year to complete the redemption. The redemption requires paying the new owner for the total balance of the previous mortgage and remunerate the new owner for any repairs and upkeep.
While a foreclosure is a tough process to experience, it isn’t the end of the world and it is possible to buy another home. In most cases, with smart credit repair, buying another home can happen much sooner than many foreclosure participants expect.